While I was walking today at FT Sam there was a change of command or something. Then on the way home from school we got stuck by a train. It's one of the hazards of living where we live. Two train tracks and pretty much no way to get around them.
Cloudy and rainy today with the possibility of snow tonight. There was quite the thunderstorm in the middle of last night but here's a sure sign spring has sprung. The Bridge Drive Inn is open for the season!
Over the past few weeks I've started not one, not two, not three, but FOUR different cross stitch projects. Today I worked on this one and fingers crossed, it sticks LOL, love the fabric choice ;)
My latest love - The Big Bang Theory. I'm late to this great show but luckily Denny and Darrell have the first four seasons on DVD so I've borrowed them to catch up to the current season.
M&M Meats doesn't just sell meat, they sell all sorts of frozen foods that are yummy and handy to have on hand for those quick 'don't know what to cook' dinners! Got a stuffed turkey breast and a couple of sesame chicken bowls.
I'm loving the wildflowers this year ! After a year of drought and next to no flowers last year, we have a bumper crop this year thanks to rain we got in the fall and winter. They are everywhere !
when we were cleaning the house earlier this month for Jim's Moms's visit, Jim suggested that maybe we should get a maid service to keep the house in tip top shape. I jumped on that ! Called Merry Maids. The house looks gorgeous.
Today was the day I was supposed to sign Kelly up for Art Summer Camp. But I forgot. I didn't have my laptop with me, so I used my iPhone to go to the website and sign her up ! It's also how Jim and I communicate when he's out of town.........we text LOL .
Actually went to lunch with Shirley on the 15th but didn't get the picture until later. Shirley used to bowl with us, she went thru a nasty divorce and moved to Kansas to be near family. She came back for a visit so we got together for lunch.
Denny had me go check on Mac today since she'd had a bleeding foot this morning. Didn't seem to be any problems with her feet when I got there but I paid some attention to her and gave her a bunch of dog cookies. No wonder she likes seeing me so much! hehehe!
I got Pioneer Woman's second cookbook today and its even better than her first in my opinion. Its got a lot more recipes that I want to try this time around!
Abnormally warm temperatures for this time of year have led to most of the snow melting. Its been in the 50's most days and by the weekend its supposed to be in the mid 70's! Crazy weather! A super mild winter and now a crazy spring. Makes you wonder what summer will be like.
Had to take my laptop to the APple Store who then sent it out to be fixed :( . On the way home we saw some wild turkeys in a yard. Then Marilyn, Cheryl and I shopped till we dropped in Gruene.
Jim and the kids joined us for dinner at the Gristmill.