First off I have to say that I kind of cheated today, I didn't take either of these pictures. But both of the pictures are of things I saw or heard today.
The first picture is of swarming starlings. We were driving to the base today on the way to school when I saw what I thought at first was smoke in the sky. It took another minute or two to realize what it really was. I got JR's attention (he LOVES birds) he thought it was awesome. Couldn't take a picture as I was driving. So I borrowed an image from the web.

The road I drive on the Army post to pick DS up after his vocational training job, runs along side Ft Sam Houston NAtional Cemetery . Today as I was passing I heard a 21 gun salute. Since it would have been incredibly tacky and disrespectful to stop and take a picture, I again stole a picture from the web.

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